Hey everybody,
I’m interrupting your Saturday with a quick, not-terribly-important-in-the-scheme-of-things programming note.
Starting now, I guess, Band Name Bureau’s going to once a month and eliminating the paid-subscription option. “But Kyle,” you ask, “haven’t you earned tens of dollars from BNB subscriptions? How will you survive?”
First of all, I don’t appreciate your sarcasm. Second of all, unlike our friend in the deadly accurate Station Eleven clip above, I have a job as a HOTSHOT PODCAST EXECUTIVE.* Third of all, it’s not about the money, bro. It’s about the art, or poking fun at art.
The real answer is I’m constantly scrambling to turn this mother out, and that goes double for the bonus editions. So to simplify things I’m going to incorporate the stuff from the bonus BNBs into the regular ones. I’ll probably still drop the occasional bonus BNB, but they won’t require a paid subscription.
To those of you who have paid for this nonsense, you have my endless appreciation. If you’ve recently reupped only to receive this infuriating message, just drop me a line at bandnamebureau@gmail.com, and I’m happy to refund you.
If you’d still like to support this, the most important work being done in journalism today, you can send tips via Venmo or PayPal.
So that’s it. Thank you for reading. I’ll be back with a new Band Name Bureau in the next week or so.
Yours in content,
*I wouldn’t say “hotshot.” And I hate calling myself an “executive.” But I do work in podcasting these days!